Holger Knublauch - Homepage

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Photo of Holger Knublauch Welcome!
I am a Computer Scientist developing tools and methods for the construction of domain models and Semantic Web content. I currently serve as VP Research & Development for TopQuadrant where I am responsible for product development (see TopBraid Composer). Previously I was a Research Fellow at Stanford Medical Informatics and the University of Manchester where I developed the original Protégé-OWL.

Profile: Software Developer, PhD in Computer Science
Daddy of Darwin and Ruby, Hiker, Cyclist & Table tennis player
Current Projects: TopBraidSHACLSPINSPARQLMotionSPARQL Web Pages
Email: holger@knublauch.com
Address: 3 Teewah Close
Kewarra Beach, QLD 4879
Phone: +61 7 4057 4750
Blog: Composing the Semantic Web